Types of Pashmina Shawls!

Kashmiri pashmina is one of the finest and best Pashminas in World.Pashmina shawls are considered as one of the most expensive clothing considering its efficient process of manufacturing, and pure quality material used to manufacture it. Kashmir is one of the leading state where pashmina is authentically manufactured. 

The word pashmina is derived from the Persian word which means "made of wool."

 The pashmina wool is extracted from the fur of sheep which makes it incredibly soft, so soft that a pure pashmina shawl can literally pass through a small ring.

Pure pashmina shawl is expensive,if the authenticity is maintained. It is tough to understand the difference between a real pashmina and a fake one for which i have always gone through from one of the Authentic seller "Phamb".

Types of Shawls

Embroidery shawls:

Mostly,Embroidery done on Pashmina shawls are sozni, papier-mache and aari.Sonzi is a needlework done on the four or two sides of the shawl with flowers or some good designs. Paper-mache covers the entire surface of the shawl and is hook embroidery. Designs are also made as Motifs which consists of leaves and flowers outlined in black. Though basic colors of Pashmina are grey, brown and white, it is efficiently dyed into beautiful colours and shades.

Kani Shawls:

The Kani Shawl is the best of pashmina that you can ever purchase, made from wooden needles on a traditional handloom, it has a amazing Mughal pattern that is woven into the fabric..Kani shawl has come from Kanihama, a small village 20 kilometres away from the Srinagar city. Kanihama once had a great monopoly over Kani shawls. It was later that artisans from other villages learnt making Kani shawls and it got spread in other corners of valley as well. Kanihama means, ‘Kani’ meaning wooden sticks, and ‘Hama’ meaning village. The craft of Kani weaving uses small sticks of wood called ‘Kanis’. Around Kanis, colourful weft thread is wound to create magical patterns over a shawl. Kanis are made of a forest wood called ‘poos tul’.Kani shawls are among the most expensive shawls of pashmina.

Ekat Shawl:

Kalamkari shawl:
Reversible Shawl:


Shahtoosh is also known as king of fine wools, Shahtoosh is the world's finest wool having the lowest micron count.But, Shahtoosh shawl is now a banned item with possession and sale being illegal in most countries for the Chiru is an endangered species under CITES.


rahil said…
Well researched article. Good going
Explore Kashmir said…
Thank you so much!

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